Media Room
Over 80 People Attend Next Generation Workforce Presentation
On Friday, September 20th, more than 80 people came together for our Next Generation Workforce Presentation with Ted Abernathy of Economic Leadership.
Fayetteville Cumberland Collaborative Branding Committee Unveils New Brand Campaign: Can Do Carolina
The Fayetteville Cumberland Collaborative Branding Committee (FCCBC), comprised of Cumberland County, the City of Fayetteville, and representatives from community organizations, has unveiled its new strategic regional brand campaign, Can Do Carolina, that is designed to increase awareness and attract prospective residents and businesses alike.
Fayetteville And Cumberland County Launch Community-Wide Branding Project
The City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, and nine partner organizations have launched an intensive project to develop a community-wide branding platform in order to create an updated and unified approach to communicating the area’s strengths, assets, diversity, vision, and potential. The goal of the initiative is to enhance efforts to attract new residents, businesses, and tourists, while developing an identity that all community members can embrace and proudly share. It is also intended to continue to evolve the collaboration between local public, private, and non-profit partners.